No job to big or small we got it all
(604) 815-7636
Gray's Trophy Works
Find Everything You Need
Gray's Trophy Works is a distinguished business, offering customers a collection of quality products. We’ve worked hard to get you nothing but the best products. Our growing, loyal community of clients knows that we’ll always do our best to find what they’re looking for. Visit us today and join our growing family of happy customers!

What we do at Gray's Trophy Works
We can supply you your ribbons for what ever type of event you have. If we do not have it in stock we can get it for you.

No order is to big or to small, we are here to help you with all your award needs.
Looking for a Plaque for that right award look no further we have a huge selection of Plaques you will like

Name Tags
We offer name tags for your business or clubs in either plastic or metal, with either magnet or pin backings.

Pet Tags
We engrave pet tags for your dog and cat.

We are here for all your engraving needs. Plate cut to your needs.

Desk Name Plates
Customized name plates for your office.

Need medals for your sports team? Look no further we have an array of medals for you!

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 9pm
Sat: 9am - 9pm
Sun: 9am- 9pm